You use social media to promote and grow your business, right? Thought so.
According to The Statistics Portal, data pulled as of March 2015 shows that Facebook is still the leading social network, ranked by number of active users.
If you have not already done so, set up a Facebook Page. This is separate from your profile. Your profile is primarily for your personal postings and your Page is for your business. You can boost posts and run ads from your Page. (Click the link at the end of this post for more information on how to set up your page.)
Be sure that you have your fan page set up, showing all of your company information. Ok, so you are posting pictures, videos, quotes, and sharing other people’s content. How do you know which of these posts your customer likes the best?
Wouldn’t it be great to see some numbers that would tell you which type of posts they like best. Which posts do they share with their friends. You want them to do that because it is a super cool way to grow your reach organically. It’s something like a referral. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew that you were doing things right and, if not, what to change?
Here are a couple of tools that I use and find extremely helpful. Both are free. You certainly cannot get a better price anywhere else, so just stay here and read on.
Become a Facebook superstar – analyze your Facebook Page today! Not all companies achieve success on Facebook.
Large company, small company, or home-based business, size does not matter. The goal of having a presence on Facebook is for your customers to learn more about you for sure, but you also want is social interaction with them.
When you visit the LikeAlyzer site, you just enter your Facebook fan page url in the box and wait for the magic numbers to appear.
The analysis tool provides feedback on your company’s presence on Facebook. Per their site, the recommendations are customized for your Facebook Page and the analysis is based on the metrics that they have found to be important – presence, dialogue, action and information.
Take a look at this sample report. It tells you what you are doing right, and what would help your score. It even offers links to tutorials or more information on how to fix what they suggested.
I got a 75. I didn’t think that was too bad for my first attempt. Try yours.
Facebook Page Insights
Once you have 30 likes on your Facebook Page, Insights magically appears between the Activity and Settings tabs.
This tool provides data that will enable you to understand three things.
– How people are interacting with your Page
– How many people you are reaching
– Who you are reaching
One of the most important things we need to know is who our customers are. Do you agree?
We not only need to know who they are, but also what kind of posts they will be most interested in and be more likely to engage with you.
Page Insights are the analytics that run in the background that will give you all of the information about who is connected to you and how they respond to your posts…each post.
At a quick glance you can scan for the highest number in the reach column and learn what type of post it was. Share, text, photo/graphic, or video. Posts with photos, graphics, or videos typically outperform text posts.
If someone with a large following shares one of your posts, the reach could expand quickly. From this quick view, you can learn which types of posts are performing best so you can do more of that type, and fewer of those with a lower reach.
That “do more or do less” is a generalization based on first look at the numbers. There are many other views and filters that you can use to drill several layers into age group(s), male or female, day of the week and best time of day to post. Once you get started with this and collect a bit of date, you will want to try different formats and see where the best results are. You can use this tool to tweak your advertising plan where needed.
Doing more of what is working in your marketing activities and less of what is not just makes good business sense, Do you agree?