Going back to my old hometown is so much fun. I was born in Henderson, KY, and although my family moved when I was five years old, it still feels like my home. One of my sisters and her husband still live there, and we visit frequently.
Our trip there this week was a bit different though. My niece, Kim Luttrell, a well known artist from New York City – Luttrell Fine Art, participated in the local Art Hop and we got to “work” the event. It was great! Lots and lots of people mixed and mingled and experienced some of the finest pieces of art they had ever seen. It was fantastic.
I shot a quick video out in front of the venue, and I hope to get some photos of her work…and even an interview with her later this weekend if possible . She is such a great example of someone holding onto their dream of doing the work they love through good times and not-so-good times.
Henderson, KY Art Hop 2014
We all have it in us to step outside of our uncomfortable zone and be different. I talk often about doing the work that you love, but I am not saying that everyone needs to work for themselves. Some of you have jobs and love them…and that is great, if it makes you happy. What I am saying is that if the passion to do something different is strong, take a look inside and determine if the inspiration and willingness to pursue it is there. If so, make a choice to take a chance on yourself and your dream to bring the change you are looking for.
Go for it…you can do it.