Just about everytime you look at a book, article, video, or any material on starting a business or about what you want to accomplish in your personal life, the first step is to have clarity.
I believe we can all agree that we need clarity of where we are going and what we want to do. In fact Brian Tracy said that, “Clarity is perhaps the most important concept in personal productivity.” It pops up everywhere as being important, necessary, and even a lifeline for your success.
So why do we grumble and rumble about it so much? We often determine there just isn’t time for it, and then stomp off into a sea of fuzziness, confusion, and procrastination. We will dig a little deeper on this habit in a later post!
What is clarity…really?
I took a quick look at Merriam-Webster Learners Dictionary online to see what they had to say about it. I know I have probably read this over 100 times, but tonight it seemed somehow different.
clarity /ˈklerəti/
- the quality of being easily understood
- the quality of being expressed, remembered, understood, etc., in a very exact way
- the quality of being easily seen or heard
Today, let’s look at clarity from your customer’s perspective…you, your products and services, and your marketing.
Are your products and services easily understood by your ideal client? In other words, are you speaking their language in your marketing?
Do you stand out in the crowded market “in a very exact way?” Take a look at your branding. Are you consistent with the look and feel of your marketing? Does your ideal client know that it is you on the other side of that ad?
And are your products, you, and your business easily seen or heard? Are you marketing where your clients hang out…online and offline?
It is critical that you have a clear vision and plan for your business and the outcome you desire. Be certain that your efforts are clear from the other side as well. Get to know your market… everything about them. The demographics will tell you WHO is buying and the psychographics will tell you WHY they buy. Create a clear picture of their life and it will be MUCH easier to develop the content that will deliver your desired outcome.
One of the processes that has remained with me throughout my 20+ years in the graphics and printing world as well as beyond that, is to begin with the end in mind. What is your ultimate desired outcome and when would you like to experience it?
If you are struggling to create value-rich information for your clients, could it be possible that you lack clarity in your own life, your purpose, or business?
Please understand that clarity is not something that comes from outside of you. Clarity is a decision and the amount of it that you have right now is the amount you have decided to create. Oh, and not deciding to have clarity is still a decision. It is the decision to remain uncertain and confused.
Make a decision today to be clear about you, your purpose, your business, and your life. Once you have made the decision, creation becomes easier. We will talk more about that and some tools that might help in your process in my next post.
Always remember to: Dream Big – Believe in Yourself – Do The Work.
See you next time,
Deb Bennett
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